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Blessings and Bummers

Blessing: My brother Ben came to stay with us in SLC. He offered emotional support, medical ideas, provided car prep for the drive home, brought fun food, and gave us space when we needed it. He even made it possible for me to leave and get a needed massage today.

Blessing: My other brothers and sisters have offered help as well, each in their unique and special ways. It’s great that they all have something to offer that no one else can. I love the ways they boost us up. 

Blessing: My sister-in-law and her family here have been so supportive. Cousins and aunts brought things we needed.  Friends from Mesa who live here now have come to visit and share their experiences. Both sets of Grandparents are ready and willing to help with whatever we need, but most importantly, they exercise vital faith that we can lean on.

Blessing: Amanda and Bracken are here. Finals time is a hard time to be at the hospital, but they come anyway, helping us laugh and relax a little. Brielle has sacrificed  two weekends to be with her sister. The other kiddos are tender and supportive. 

Blessing: Our Ward family spends hours of energy doing whatever we need.

Blessing: The Conner Academy faculty  offered meals and emotional support. Students and their families support my kids. 

Blessing: Diana is recovering with the speed of a gazelle. The Doctor said today as she studies Traumatic Brain Injury and it’s usual timelines, she will see the miracle that she is living.  She keeps moving through the anticipated healing stages rapidly. 

Blessing: Our Savior’s love and the power of His priesthood on this journey. 


Bummer: This accident happened.

Bummer: We are at hospital tonight after all. Something happened about the time we were discharging today and Diana suddenly became dizzy, clammy, and nauseous. She even bumped into a door because her vision was compromised and ended up with a headache. With head injuries, that can be dangerous. After a long nap, some food, and some water,  she is doing better. But I worried about leaving to the Ronald Mcdonald house tonight because her walking was not as balanced as it has been the past week. It’s an unpleasant night outside and so we stayed. No need to take a risk when we need to be back for the eye exam tomorrow early anyway. Diana was super disappointed. 

Bummer: Doctor says Diana cannot act in the musical this winter.  She is so sad and frustrated. She was hopeful that it would be ok to perform in the play. But it’s too much too soon. Maybe she can help with something when production time comes. It won’t be the same as being on stage, though. 

Bummer: Diana misses her bed, her family, her friends, her dog, and her school life. She recognizes finally how tired she feels and is sad that she doesn’t have more energy. 

Blessing: You and your prayers! 

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