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Real Life Day

It seemed appropriate to make this a separate post from the fun facts. They both are true and need their own acknowledgments.

Today was the first hard emotional day for Diana. The memory she is finally putting down has side effects: anxiety and grief. While we have been feeling the effects of grief for the last 16 days as a community, she has not. The fact that she can now is wonderful! For example, she now knows that she isn't remembering current things that are happening very well. So her concern tonight that she will forget where she is and feel lost if she wakes up is actually a vital part of the healing process. But it is super scary for her. She wants to come home.

Just like all of this has been surreal for the rest of it, today it was for her. I know I have felt like I was stuck in a bad dream. She now has said those exact words.

Fortunately, we have faith and a plan. There is prayer and there is a team in place just for this. We met with them as soon as Diana could articulate these feelings, validated her, and helped her come up with a strategy that would help. Also, Doctor Green and the Trauma Team has given her specific goals to meet so she can go home. So as she works on those, she can have a feeling of control.

She is up against some big things still. Vision, Current Memory, Focus/Reasoning and long term Physical Safety are the next hurdles. Nothing can be promised yet about the prognosis, or the likely outcome of the situation. But she also astonishes us every day. And as the doctor says, we are in a place of miracles.

If you would like to pray for something specific, please pray for her emotionally to feel strength as she travels through this imperative time of remembering truth. We have told her so much, but she retains only a little. It kind of shocks her every time she realizes it again and that is just plain yucky.

By the way, she still has not read any of these blogs as her capacity is not ready. She knows this blog exists, at least I told her Monday. She did not want to read them then. She may not remember them now. But nevertheless, if you would continue to be kind when you reach out like you have been. Its probably best not remark that you read that she is grieving on a blog about her. Life is very uncertain for her as she is orienting herself to it. Imagine going through amnesia and think of all you would mistrust. She remembers her past but not her present. Just send love and support that she can do hard things.

My gratitude overflows with all you are doing. We still need you. yet. Keep sending good energy, love, and pleads to Heaven on her behalf. And for me as I walk with her in this darkness. Your faith keeps the light on at the end of the nightmare.

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