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The Second Miracle of Fasting

Our ward and other friends did a fast last Sunday, November 26th, for Diana's recovery. That night, in the presence of her friends and Young Women's church leaders, Diana spoke for the first time since her accident. Those young women, leaders, and us as a family witnessed a miracle.

Yesterday, was the first Sunday of the month. In the LDS church that Sunday is set aside for fasting church wide. I asked our ward to specifically pray that Diana would reach her next milestone of passing her cognitive test that she takes daily. You see, the sooner she passes those tests she has a better prognosis in her recovery over all. Once she passes the testing she is considered out of Post Traumatic Amnesia.

One study stated, "Their results showed that non-verbal memory was, overall, significantly more impaired among those with PTA (Post-Traumatic Amnesia) for more than 14 days than those with PTA for less than 14 days, with those with PTA for less than 14 days showing significant improvement in non-verbal memory over 12 months compared to those with more prolonged PTA (>14d)."

Diana has now passed her testing and today is the 14th Day!!!! What a blessing and testimony of collective faith from all of our friends of all faiths and denominations. I can't express fully my thankfulness to all of you for your faith and prayers to knock on the gates of heaven to request divine help for Diana.

Just this evening, I was helping with the seating of patrons at our local community theater. An older lady looked familiar, but I could not place her from anywhere except that I had seen her at shows in the past. I smiled politely and said, "Hello, welcome back. Thanks for coming." She grabbed my hand and said, "How is your daughter doing, we have been praying for her daily." I gave her an update, thanked her, and thought in awe how far reaching this has gone.

Today is a beautiful day!

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