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On our way

Destination: Primary Children’s hospital. She is comfortable and sleeping well in the ambulance. Every once in a while, an eye will open to see where we are, but she seems blissfully unware. 

I, on the other hand, am very awake. Mom, I will remember this ride. 

Earlier today, it was determined that she is able to move ahead into the rehab program. At Speech Therapy, she focused well, playing games on the iPad. Her favorite was Concentration. She remembered the squares, even some that I didn’t! 

This transition into the next unknown is a good time to be thankful. (so I don’t panic)

I thank My Heavenly Father and Savior for their constant comfort that helps me when I am fearful, insecure or overwhelmed. 

I thank family and friends who gave and gave and gave this past week. Your faith continues to help Diana heal. You both anticipated needs and respected us when we were not sure what we needed. Thank you!

And I thank the medical professionals who have given their all for us. From the first responders to the expert doctors to the compassionate nurses to the case managers, to CNAs who gave me reassuring hugs in the middle of the night, they have been present and capable!! 

Thank you! 

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